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Junior Sailing
At Gosford Sailing Club
If you are competent enough to continue sailing without the support of the Sailing School, you are welcome to join in the Junior Fleet.
The Junior Fleet’s aim is to encourage ongoing participation in the sport of sailing among our youth. We run an extensive racing program, and we have a proud tradition of training junior sailors.
Many of our members, past and present, started out with little or no sailing experience and have gone on to represent the Club, State and our Country.
The Junior fleet has multiple classes and fleets which race regularly on Saturday afternoons.
These include:
Flying 11s and RS Fevas - Open Fleet only
Sabots, Optimists and PJ's - Open Fleet
Sabots, Optimists and PJ's - Intermediate Fleet, displaying a red masthead ribbon whilst racing
Silver Fleet vessels of above classes - dispalying a green masthead ribbon on race days

23 - 24 Calendar
Juniors Facebook Page
Gosford Juniors Website
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