Yacht Section March Newsletter

Yacht Section March Newsletter
Hi Yachtees,
March already! What happened to summer? I can’t remember when we last had a sea breeze for a race.
Yacht Section March Newsletter
Hi Yachtees,
March already! What happened to summer? I can’t remember when we last had a sea breeze for a race.
Broken Bay Interclub
Race 4 of the BBIC series is being held on Saturday 13th March. This is the Pittwater Pursuit finishing near RMYC. The NOR should be available shortly. GSC is currently leading the series but RMYC will be racing hard to win the trophy. Congratulations to Twilight for their win. GSC is currently filling 6 of the top 10 positions for the overall point score.
Start Assistance Roster
Thank you to those crews who have already done a roster duty which our start crew greatly appreciate. There is only one more roster day to fill:
14/3/21 (Sprints) Carpe Diem
I will send you a reminder closer to the date with details of what the duty involves. It is not onerous and each boat will be called upon once a season.
Summer Inshore Series
The summer series is now completed. We have had all sorts of conditions from too heavy to too light but not one nor’easter. Final results are still not available.
Summer Offshore Series
The offshore fleet had an enjoyable race recently with RMYC with 11 boats participating. The offshore fleet is off to Sydney for an overnight at CYC on 6-7 March. The BBIC races also count towards the offshore point score series. Our Offshore Officer Bruce Thomas would be happy to hear from anyone interested in the offshore events, including any interested crew. His email is bandeth@optusnet.com.au.
Twilight Point Score
The twilight point score races are being hotly contested and competition is close. Animal
Farm is currently leading Div 1, More Fun is leading Div 2 and La Polo is leading Div 3.
Lady Skipper Twilight Trophy Race
In conjunction with International Women’s day, this is scheduled for Wednesday 10th March. We would like to see a lady skipper on every boat. We have women willing to have a try of skippering especially among the new graduates from the magic fleet. Please let the Sailing Manager know if you would like to assist in improving the skills of our women sailors and let them take the wheel/tiller of your Pride and Joy
Night Race
We are trying this novelty race on Friday 19th March with a 7pm club start. Obviously you will need working navigation lights to compete. No doubt the course will be a “Sailing Manager’s Special” which could be anything. Hope to see lots of yachts give this a go. Spinnakers are allowed.
Winter Series
It’s not long till this starts!
Dates scheduled for the series are May 8, 22, June 5,19, July 3,17,31. These are Saturday races, 12.30 club starts and open to all fleets. Hope we get a little more wind than the last Winter series.
Current COVID Restrictions
We are very fortunate to have COVID cases currently under control however it is still important for all of us to keep it this way. So please remember your social distancing around the club and especially around the Twilight barbecue and bar and use the hand sanitiser provided. Remember to QR code sign on when visiting the club or sailing and masks are still compulsory in the Gaming Room
There has been some confusion over which QR code to sign in with.
If you are entering the clubhouse you need to sign in with the Service NSW QR code displayed at all the entrances even if you have already signed in for a race.
You do not need to use the QR code on the Marina gate if you are intending to race, only if you are visiting the marina but not racing.
You do need to sign in with the QR code printed on the Sailing Instructions and Twilight course sheet if you are intending to race as does all your crew.
Heavy Weather Seminar
This has been deferred again and is now scheduled for Thursday 15th April .
Adult Learn to Sail Presentation Evening
This event is Thursday 18th March from 6pm We are inviting skippers from all fleets to attend as a meet and greet for these young fit and sailing ready graduates who are itching to extend their sailing skills on your boat. The boatshed bar will be open and there will be nibbles to eat.
Yacht Presentation
Due to the times of uncertainty we are in, we cannot this year return to our usual dinner format for the presentation. However we are planning to make this an afternoon event in the Boatshed on Saturday 15th May. More details will follow as we work them out depending on COVID restrictions at the time.
30 year Reunion
Due to the number of events scheduled in the coming months, this event has been moved to 26th June.
Race Officers Needed
GSC needs more volunteers to help with race management on both Saturdays, Sundays and Wednesdays. If you are interested please contact our sailing manager email: sailing@gossail.com.au
We are planning to run a race management course shortly including a tour of our race management boats and buoy storage bays. Race management courses are also held as on line with Australian Sailing.
Coming Events
3/3/21 Twilight point score race 14
6-7/3/21 Offshore Sydney return. Overnight at CYC
10/3/21 Lady’s Skipper trophy night
13/3/21 BBIC race 4
14/3/21 Sprint series races 4,5,6
17/3/21 Twilight point score race 15
19/3/21 Night race 7pm start
21/3/21 Offshore race 8
24/3/31 Twilight point score race 16
31/3/21 Final twilight. Spinnaker race.
2-5/4/21 Easter
10/4/21 (Saturday) Legends Regatta all fleets
See you on the water, happy racing and good luck to our BBIC fleet.
Penny Dilworth
Yacht Captain.